Limited Edition (blogger) PRETTY ROSA (0 left)
Limited Edition (Blogger) VINTAGE GREEN GAL ( left)
These banners are limited editions only - so there is only a few (5) of each one ALL SOLD OUT, once they have gone - they will not be reproduced if you are looking for a 'new look' to your blog and DESIGNED BY HAPPY....this is a good alternative to buying a bespoke banner.
These are priced at £15.00 each and will be amended to your blog size (2 & 3 columns) and name (although they are not compatible with 'stretch' layouts)...and an optional tag line if required.
These are priced at £15.00 each and will be amended to your blog size (2 & 3 columns) and name (although they are not compatible with 'stretch' layouts)...and an optional tag line if required.
These banners can only be used with your blog....if you want to use the same banner on another site/blog you will have to purchase another banner. Also at this price these banners cannot be changed around - if you require something a little more different you will have to email me for a quote for a 'bespoke makeover'